Introducing our 2021 calendar!

Black rhino running

You may have recently heard about our 2021 calendar competition, where we asked you to send in your favourite rhino image (photo, painting, animation or more!), to feature in our 2021 rhino calendar. Well, put simply, we were blown away with your response.

Your images flooded in, and they were incredible. From beautiful African rhinos pictured in the sunset, to stunning rhino illustrations, we were amazed at the talent within our wonderful rhino family.

As you can imagine, choosing just 12 of these fantastic images for our calendar wasn’t easy. But, eventually our team was able to whittle it down to one image for every month, and soon, this community-led calendar will be ready for you to pre-order!

We can’t wait to share the full calendar with you, but for now, we hope you’ll enjoy taking a look at the images to be featured!

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