How to amend your will

Save the Rhino cannot offer legal advice. We encourage you to use the services of an expert when amending or creating your will, ensuring that your wishes are followed and that the tax paid on your estate is managed properly.

If you decide to leave a gift for Save the Rhino and you already have a will, you may not need to create a new one: small changes can be included in a ‘codicil’ that is read alongside your will. We encourage you to seek legal advice.

When leaving a gift, a solicitor will need Save the Rhino’s address and charity number. Some sample wording, for a residual gift in this case, might read as follows:

‘I give ____% of my residuary estate, or £____, to Save the Rhino International of Unit 3, Coach House Mews, 217 Long Lane, London, UK, SE1 4PR, registered charity number 1035072, for its charitable purposes. I further direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or other Proper Officer of Save the Rhino International, for the time being, shall be a full and sufficient discharge for the said legacy.’