The Humble Notebook

Rhino ranger recording a rhino sighting

You might know that GPS kits and cameras are essential tools for rhino monitoring, but did you know that the humble notebook is also a vital piece of ranger equipment? In Namibia, Save the Rhino Trust’s rhino rangers travel through remote and extreme landscapes, covering a staggering 25,000km2 each year. Notebooks are a practical means to quickly and easily record the rhinos they see. To identify each rhino, rangers look for specific marks on their ears, called ‘notches’. These notches represent a numbering system, making the rhinos identifiable – they are like a rhino’s passport number!

Whilst we aren’t recording rhinos at our London HQ, we equally love notebooks, which is why we are so thrilled to bring you member-exclusive notebooks, in partnership with Rhino Stationery.

Created with three stunning images (all of which have featured in our Rhino Calendar!) our new notebooks show beautiful black and white rhino scenes.

From our first Rhino Calendar in 2021 is a wonderful black rhino photo by Frank Gloystein. Frank observed this rhino while it was drinking at a waterhole.  Startled by some noise, it suddenly turned round just as Frank captured the moment.

From our Rhino Calendar Class of 2022 is a beautiful photo by Sandra Risi. Sandra described how these powerful, gentle and magnificent creatures touched her heart when she saw a mother and her calf interact.

From our 2023 Rhino Calendar is a gorgeous photo by Zoe Allouchery. Zoe took this photo of two white rhinos as they strolled across a reserve in the Western Cape, whilst she was there as part of her research internship.

These notebooks are exclusive to you, our members, and we hope you love them as much as us! Head to the online shop to buy yours now.



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